Before being a reporter in Los Angeles, California, Friel was posing in popular magazines such as FHM and Maxim. Before joining the Fox News Channel in 2007, she also served as the hostess of the World Poker Tour on the Travel Channel. She is currently the news anchor for KKLA-TV. She ranks top in the list of Hottest Female Anchors. A list of some most attractive and charming women sports reporters. April Rose Fox Sports. Charissa Thompson Fox Sports Live Host.

Richie Whitt
Somehow, Channel 8 let Erin Hawksworth move to Boston. Damn you, Hansen!
I Support

Unlike a number of the other hottest fox news female anchors, MacCallum is from up north in New York and began her career in journalism with NBC, where she served a variety of positions from 1997 to 2003. Lea Gabrielle serves as a general assignment reporter for Shepard Smith Reporting (3-4PM/ET) on FOX News Channel (FNC). These female sports reporters cover everything from pro sports like NFL football, NBA basketball, and major league baseball to college games. Many of the women on this list got their start on the sidelines in college. Their great knowledge of sports helped them soar in the business and today. A quick google search of “women’s sports presenters” shows this, as the third post sends you to a page called “top 30 hottest Female sports reporters and presenters”. The first woman sports presenter that comes to my mind is Mel McLaughlin who presents on the seven network.

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Since former Channel 8 sports reporter Erin Hawksworth up and moved to Boston, long-time Mavs’ sideline reporter Laura Green packed her bags for Portland and ESPN’s Suzy Kolber flew the Cowboys' in-house production coop 15 years ago, it’s way past time to re-shuffle the deck of Dallas darlings.

In case you haven't already guessed, this is not a heady post. It’s shallow. And sexist. I get that way sometimes. Often twice a day. Sue me.

Hottest Female Sports Journalists

My list has nothing to do with the experience and deliveries of local TV stalwarts like Campos, Clarice or McGarry and everything to do with those that wow us nightly with their charisma and, um, charms. Ya know, the women that make us stop and watch no matter what they’re gabbing about.

Without further adieu, the Top 10 Hottest TV Women in Dallas:

10. Tammy Dombeck, Channel 5 traffic reporter

Hottest Female Sports Reporters 2015

9. Gina Miller, Channel 11 sports anchor

8. Dana Larson, Fox Sports Net Southwest sports anchor/reporter

Hottest Female Sports Reporters 2015

7. Darla Miles, Channel 8 reporter

6. Susy Solis, Channel 5 reporter

5. Alexa Conomos, Channel 8 traffic reporter

4. Shelly Slater, Channel 8 weekend anchor

3. Karen Borta, Channel 11 anchor

2. Emily Jones, Fox Sports Net Southwest anchor/reporter

1. Megan Henderson, Fox 4 morning anchor -- Richie Whitt

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